Mambo Launch Pad

Tokens we helped to deploy or launch

Best price Initial Launch offering
Ape in NOW.

Mambo Launch Pad

This is the first Launch Pad created for fair KRC-20 Token launches.
It is escorted by Mambo. Each payment is carefullly manually checked and the tokens sent.
Transparent and trustworthy. Mambo is launching token since 2021, and now on Kaspa since begin of KRC-20.
Everybody can check openly on Kaspa Ghostdag Krc20 Explorer, that we pay out.

You can use our service partially, just for tips how to deploy, tokenomics, how to launch and distribute,
or you can make the ILO (Initial Token Launch) here on our Website as a trustworthy 3rd party launch escort partner.
We are not expensive and try to find a fair price.

Tokens we helped to deploy or launch

Best price Initial Launch offering
Ape in NOW.
Inittial offers on MP:
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ILO sold out
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Initial Launch Offering:
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And we helped to deploy

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