Christmas Coin

$CHRISTMAS Launch December 6 to 16

Buy now $CHRISTMAS on MamboSwap with $FRANC

$CHRISTMAS contract address: zil16drwuehhueel65kycl8w78zthz2ydjjagpjy9m
Initial Supply: 24000 Tokens ; Decimals: 12

$CHRISTMAS is a special stablecoin

All details on website: http://Stablecoin.Christmas
$Christmas is an elastic stablecoin, it's initial price is pegged on 10 USD.
But it's peg is growing with an "Applied Anticipated Annually Inflation Rate" of 7%.
That means, in one year the peg will be at about 10.70 USD. In 10 years about 20 USD!
Additional to this a monthly prize draw pays 0.5% of circulating $Christmas to one holder!

Exchanges: Fully liquid traded on MamboSwap vs. $Franc.
With at least 1000 $Christmas sold we may consider to open a zilswap pool.

$CHRISTMAS was launched on December 6, 2021 with MILO Launchpad on MamboSwap.
The Mambo Initial Launch Offering of $Christmas Coin is going on from December 6 until December 16.
During this period, the price willgo up each day from 9.80 until 10.00 USD.
All details on website: http://Stablecoin.Christmas