Franc exchange rates

Our Exchange rates sheet, with FANC, rates vs XSGD, USD, mUSD, zUSDT and ZIL

The exchange rates for FRANC/XSGD, in blue, are updated about once daily.
In case of unexpected high volatility the effectiv exchange rate may slightly differ.
MamboSwap accepts zUSDT, XSGD, in future we may accept Pillar or other stablecoins too.
And FRANC can be swapped to all our other Stablecoins like MILKY, LIBERTY, THANKS, mUSD and others coming.
The FRANC/ZIL exchange rate is only for having an idea how much in Zil it may cost, BUT it may differ a lot because of volatility.
It is occacionally updated only.
Go to the Exchange rates and peg rates sheet.