FRANC Exchanges

Compare Price and Trade FRANC where it's better

FRANC Chocolate Stablecoin is traded on:
- MamboSwap (fixed rates)
- (AMM DEX, price slipping)
Swap FRANC MamboSwap with fixed rates vs XSGD, Mambo, mUSD, MILKY (others may follow). Try to catch a discount rate when buying it with $mambos
Trade FRANC on :
Open Zilswap with FRANC.
(you should be connected with zilpay wallet to ziswap)
Read more about MamboSwap Automated Fixed Rates Exchange (MAFRE) here. Go to MamboSwap:
Bookmark this link. Beware of fishing sites. MamboSwap is on a subdomain of only. connect your zilspay wallet to mafre.
Add FRANC to your wallet and zilswap:
FRANC contract address: